Close Up Fruit Photography
Sometimes you just need a spot of close up fruit photography to really show off the freshness of the produce and give the viewer a better idea of what it might feel like to be chomping down on a perfect cherry or a raspberries soft and slightly furry texture. For me, close up photography of fruit can also be incredibly pleasing to the eye and a very graphic style of food photography that can help to pick out key flavours in any products advertising push. From a Cherry Bakewell cake to a protein bar.
This series of close up fruit photography is looking at classic British summer time fruits from my childhood. Be it exotic (to me) Spanish cherries that we ate at my grandmas house in La Coruna or raspberries and blackberries picked from my English grandmas back garden or allotment. And who can forget going to a strawberry picking farm and eating as many on the way round as you picked (Pretty sure I got caught and told off once).

Macro Fruit Photography
Close up fruit photography, or close up photography of any kind is known within photography circles as macro photography. It can be applied to anything and although macro usually means a 1-2-1 ration, at my studio we can also get a LOT closer to the action and create some really striking images of food and products.
If you want to keep up to date with my food photography then be sure to head over to my Instagram page here
Close Up Fruit Photography Portfolio
You can also find my full portfolio of food and drink photography including more examples of close up fruit photography by following this link to my work